A closer look at the motivations behind these untruths unveiled a range of underlying reasons. Respondents mentioned the need to protect sensitive company information, conceal negative aspects of the organization, exaggerate benefits to attract job seekers, and deliberately make the job seem more appealing to candidates. Regrettably, this pervasive dishonesty extends to various aspects of the hiring process, with hiring managers routinely misrepresenting elements such as company culture, benefits, commitment to social issues, financial stability, and compensation.The consequences of such deceit are substantial. While 92% of hiring managers who fib manage to secure a candidate, 55% of them reported experiencing the departure of an employee who resigned after discovering the falsehoods they had been fed during the hiring process. These departures were swift, with 14% occurring within a week, 35% within a month, and 31% within three months of their employment.
Stacie Haller, chief career advisor, underscored the adverse implications of such practices, asserting that dishonesty erodes an organization's integrity and has a detrimental impact on its overall success. She argued that honesty is paramount for safeguarding both the reputation of the organization and the well-being of the individuals it seeks to attract.
Furthermore, the study unveiled another concerning trend: ghosting by hiring managers. A substantial proportion of these managers (82%) acknowledged having ghosted candidates, a behavior that reflects a lack of respect for candidates' time, effort, and aspirations. This unprofessional conduct not only tarnishes an employer's reputation but also undermines the broader hiring ecosystem. Stacie Haller emphasized the importance of treating candidates with professionalism, stressing that fostering transparency and respect benefits both employers and job seekers.
In terms of methodology, ResumeBuilder.com commissioned the survey, which was conducted online via the Pollfish survey platform. The study involved 1,060 respondents who met specific demographic criteria, including current employment, age 25 or older, holding a middle management or higher organizational role, earning a minimum income of $50,000, and working for companies with at least 25 employees. The survey employed Random Device Engagement (RDE) to ensure unbiased and organic data collection.